Redefine Results

Elite Design Consultation

Includes One-on-One Design Help with any of the following…

  • Paint Color Selections

  • Floor Plan and Furniture Layouts

  • Decor and Styling Advice

  • Bathroom and Kitchen Finishes

  • Furniture and Furnishings Recommendations

  • Furniture Buying Assistance

  • Purchasing Links for Recommended Furnishings

  • Customized Purchasing and Styling of Decor

  • Room by room design help


Who’s it For?


If you are ready to take your home styling to the next level but don’t want to go fully DIY, this package is for you.

We will partner together for a guided passage into interior design and styling. You can feel confident moving forward into the sometimes complicated world of interior design with an award winning designer by your side.

This package allows you to focus on any room and any part of the home decorating process. I’m here to assist you in achieving your design goals and to help you avoid costly purchasing mistakes along the way.

Now give yourself a high-five…

We’re about to give your space a total upgrade!

Step #1


All new clients start here!

I’ll send you a 15 minute questionnaire so you can tell me more about your preferred design style and project. Next we’ll schedule a 20 minute Discovery Call where we talk about your design needs. I’ll get to know you a little more and you’ll get to know me and we’ll both decide if we’re a good fit!

Step #2


It’s time to get to work!

Well, almost. First, you’ll receive the design agreement for you to read over and sign. I’ll send an invoice to collect the payment for your hourly package. Once that is collected, we’ll schedule our first meeting !

Each meeting is a minimum of 2 hours but you can schedule up to 4 hours at a time if you’re needing to move quickly into and through a project.

Once the paperwork is complete, we move to Step #3!

Step #3


Ready. Set. Let’s Do This!

We waste no time in our first meeting diving into whatever you need help with most. I can even meet you at a furniture or home design store of your choice or recommend a good place to start. You tell me how I’ll be most helpful and I’ll be ready in whatever capacity you need me.

I’ll warn you that we might become good friends along the way. I get to know you really well so we can achieve your design vision AND we have fun while doing it.

So, are you ready to meet your design goals with confidence?


“ I had a vision of what my home could look like, I just could never make it come to fruition. 

Enter Lynae.  I told her my vision and she brought it to life. 

She took our style and priorities into consideration and made a perfect space for our family. Now it’s our favorite room in the house.

/  Allison s.  /
